Legal advocacy

The National Alliance is committed to ensuring local, state and federal laws support a strong and vibrant charter school sector. Whether that means working to support the enactment of strong laws or mounting a vigorous defense against legal threats to charter schools, our team is always ready. We provide resources to help advocates, school leaders, educators and school operators better understand, comply with, and sometimes overturn laws that affect charter schools. Our Legal Team provides resources, connections and one-on-one consultations.

Investing in Litigation with National Impact

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The National Alliance’s National Litigation Council, consisting of almost 13 school attorneys from various parts of the country, collaborates with the Alliance for Public Charter School Attorneys and the Charter Schools Legal Action Fund to monitor and select pending litigation cases to support financially.

If you are interested in applying for CSLAF support, please contact Renita Thukral at [email protected].

Connecting the Legal Community

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The Alliance of Public Charter School Attorneys (APCSA) serves as a research and networking hub for education attorneys to obtain and exchange information. It also seeks to educate and keep members current on the legal issues affecting charter schools, management organizations, and boards, both directly and indirectly. Membership is free and benefits include:

  • Legal publications
  • Webinars
  • Bi-annual Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars
  • A private list to communicate with fellow APCSA members


APCSA’s mission is to support charter school policy priorities nationally through legal advocacy.

Join other attorneys around the country who support growth and equity for high-quality public charter schools–become a member of the Alliance of Public Charter School Attorneys (APCSA) today!

Once you complete and return the application, we will follow up with you and add you to our national network.

Consulting on Federal and State Laws

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The National Alliance gives states and school operators the tools they need to better understand, apply, and comply with federal laws, rules, and regulations by providing resources, connections, and one-on-one consultations.

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
800 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: 202.289.2700
Fax: 202.289.4009

For all data requests, please contact the National Alliance research team at [email protected].

For national and general media requests, please contact Jennifer Diaz at [email protected].  

For state-specific media requests, please contact Alanna Klein at [email protected]

Email the National Alliance


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Memorial Gifts

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Commemorative Gifts

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.


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Wire Transfers

For questions regarding wire transfers, please email of call Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Gifts of Stock

For questions regarding stock, please email of call Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Matching Gifts

If you or your spouse work for a company that provides matching gifts, you can make an even bigger impact! To have your gift matched, you must submit your company’s completed matching gift form.

Please send all completed matching gift forms to:

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
800 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006.

If this donation will be potentially matched, please provide the company name.

Advocates Council

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Legacy Society

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994 to learn more about the Legacy Society or for any other inquiries regarding planned giving.