3 Ways the New Facilities Bill Would Help Charter Schools

Access to appropriate school facilities is a critical barrier to charter school growth and to providing the best and safest educational setting for students. But the Equitable Access to School Facilities Act, introduced last week in the House of Representatives by Representative Michelle Steel of California and last year in the Senate by Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Michael Bennet of Colorado, offers new solutions.

Steel Introduces Legislation Increasing Support for Charter Schools

Today Rep. Michelle Steel introduced legislation to increase quality education opportunities to all students – regardless of background – by expanding federal support for charter school facilities.

Riding the Green Wave: Charter Schools Across the U.S. Benefit from Federal Facilities Funding

Over the past few years, federal funding has begun to flow in unprecedented levels to sustainable development and decarbonizing America. This “green wave” is especially relevant to schools where billions of dollars can be spent to improve facilities and buses. While many traditional school districts have resources to help apply for these capital opportunities, small charter schools with limited resources are now finding ways to benefit as well.

6 Things You Need to Know about Recent Charter School FY 2025 Appropriations Wins

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 appropriations process is well underway. While we are likely to end up with a continuing resolution (CR) through at least the election, the National Alliance has led the way to protect wins from last year and to make the Charter Schools Program more flexible through an unprecedented amount of bipartisan report language.

Federal Charter Schools Program Remains Intact In Senate Appropriations Bill

A statement on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee’s approved FY25 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Bill, including funding for the federal Charter Schools Program.

Federal Charter Schools Program Receives $20 Million Proposed Funding Increase

Eric Paisner, Acting President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, released the following statement regarding the U.S. House Appropriations Committee’s approved FY25 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Bill: “We thank the House Appropriations Committee for recognizing the incredible value of public charter schools by proposing a total of… Continue reading Federal Charter Schools Program Receives $20 Million Proposed Funding Increase

Federal Charter Schools Program Receives $10 Million Proposed Funding Increase

Eric Paisner, Acting President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, released the following statement regarding the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee’s proposed FY25 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Bill:  “We thank the House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee members for recognizing the value and… Continue reading Federal Charter Schools Program Receives $10 Million Proposed Funding Increase

Empowering Educators to Lead: 3 Reasons We Need Pre-Planning Grants for Teachers

Imagine having a groundbreaking idea for a new charter school, one that could put students in your community on a new academic trajectory. Now imagine spending nights and weekends trying to write a charter application on top of your demanding teaching job, or trying to live off savings from your teacher’s salary while you take a leave of absence to work on your application full-time.

Making Every Dollar Count: How to Leverage ARP-HCY Funds to Support Students Experiencing Homelessness

The National Alliance partnered with SchoolHouse Connection, a national organization working to overcome homelessness through education, to bring you this conversation on maximizing the impact of ARP-HCY funds in charter schools before the deadline.


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