2023 Charter Schools Program Grant Recipients Announced

2023 Charter Schools Program Grant Recipients Announced

October 3, 2023

Last week, the U.S. Department of Education announced grant recipients for the FY 2023 Charter Schools Program (CSP). In all, the Department announced $572 million to be awarded over the next three to five years. Grants are used to open new public charter schools and replicate high-performing public charter schools across the country. The demand for charter schools continues to grow, and the CSP is necessary to meet the needs of communities across the nation. 

“Congratulations to the state entities, non-profits, and charter school leaders who earned grants from the Charter Schools Program to open new schools or secure facilities finance to meet the needs of students and families nationwide,” says Nina Rees, President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. The Charter Schools Program provides critical funding to support the launch and growth of public charter schools. This is the most essential funding to enable the existence of public charter schools.”   

FY 2023 grant recipients are as follows:

State Entities. The Department gave $197,073,158 to the following entities to support the planning, program design, and the implementation of public charter schools, as well as to support the replication and expansion of high-quality charter schools: 

  • Public Charter Schools of New Mexico (NM): Matt Pahl, Executive Director Public Charter Schools of New Mexico says, “Public Charter Schools of New Mexico is honored and excited to receive this $52 million grant.  We believe what the vast majority of New Mexicans believe: every student deserves access to a high-quality public education tailored to their unique needs.  Charter schools are an integral part of achieving this, and the grant helps us make this vision a reality.   With the CSP-SE grant, we are committed to working collaboratively with educators, parents, and communities to improve outcomes for our state’s students.” 
  • Bluum, Inc. (ID): “We are excited for Idaho and our families and students to have received a CSP grant this round of competition,” says Terry Ryan, CEO of Bluum, Inc. “We will do all we can to ensure that these grant dollars result in the launch, expansion or replication of schools of excellence. This is both exciting and scary, but we know how important these school choice opportunities are for our families and their children.”  
  • Oklahoma Public School Resource Center, Inc. (OK): “Funding for our state’s charter schools is critical for the success of the diverse student populations they serve. This grant will support new and expanding schools with essential startup funding and strategic planning assistance,” says Barry Schmelzenbach, Oklahoma Public Charter Schools Association Executive Director. “Education is not one-size-fits-all. We are committed to fostering high-quality alternatives for students with unique needs and abilities, which is made possible through this federal funding opportunity.”
  • The Opportunity Trust (MO) 
  • Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools, Inc. (MD) 
  • State of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WI)
  • Indiana Department of Education (IN)
  • Louisiana Department of Education (LA)
  • West Virginia Professional Charter School Board (WV) 
  • Minnesota Department of Education (MN)


Charter School Developers (Developer). The Department gave $22,246,305 to the following entities to create new or replicate existing high quality schools public charter schools:  

  • Cincinnati Classical Academy (OH) 
  • MBEF College & Career Academies, Inc. (WV) 
  • Helix Community Schools (LA) 
  • Kalmiopsis Community Arts High School (OR) 
  • Horizon Science Academy Des Moines (IA) 
  • Red Granite Charter School Inc. (WI) 
  • African Heritage, Inc. (WI) 
  • Heartland Lakes Community School (MN) 
  • Namahana Education Foundation (HI) 
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico (PR) 
  • Believe STL Academy (MO) 
  • Siembra Leadership High School (NM) 
  • American Heritage Charter School (ID) 


Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program (Credit Enhancement). The Department gave $79,000,000 to help the following entities fund the cost of their facilities: 

  • Pacific Charter Facility Fund (CA) 
  • Opportunity 180 (NV) 
  • Low Income Investment Fund (CA) 
  • California School Finance Authority (CA)  
  • BlueHub Loan Fund, Inc. (MA) 


Currently, approximately 7,800 charter schools serve more than 3.7 million public school students across 44 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico. A growing number of families are demanding more options, emphasizing the need for the Charter Schools Program. 

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