The 2021 Nevada legislative session ended yesterday with a big win for Silver State students. Not only did the legislature protect equitable operations funding for Nevada’s successful public charter school sector, they also provided $15 million in COVID relief funding through AB495 to Title I charter schools, which serve many of the state’s underserved students and families. This dedicated funding will help schools, teachers, and leaders serve more than 16,000 students from low-income backgrounds who attend these unique, student-centered public schools. It will also create innovative learning opportunities to make up for learning loss due to the pandemic. AB495 now heads to Governor Steve Sisolak for signature.
“In this time of recovery from the pandemic, we must do all we can to support children and families. Today, 16,000 more students from low-income backgrounds have more opportunities to recover from the educational implications of the pandemic because of the bold actions of the Nevada Legislature and a broad coalition of leaders working to improve the lives of all Nevada students. The Nevada legislature dedicated significant funding to stem the tide of learning loss and build a great foundation for more learning opportunities for students. The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools thanks the Assembly and Senate Republican conferences for prioritizing students with the greatest need. We are particularly indebted to Senators Ben Kieckhefer, Heidi Seevers Gansert, Scott Hammond, and Keith Pickard and Assembly Members Tom Roberts and Jill Tolles for thoughtful and determined leadership throughout the process. Thanks also goes to Senator Carrie Buck, a former charter school leader, who understood that Title I charter schools deserved this critical support and first put a spotlight on the issue. Moreover, we are grateful to Governor Steve Sisolak as well as Assembly and Senate majority leadership for their willingness to find a bipartisan agreement that served all of Nevada’s children.”
– Bill Phillips, Vice President of State Advocacy and Support for the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
The interests of Nevada’s children and their families would not have received the attention they deserved without the support of a broad coalition. The National Alliance also thanks the Las Vegas business community, led by the tireless efforts of John Guedry, and the mining industry for rallying around the needs of all students. Moreover, we thank the Charter Schools Association of Nevada and ExcelinEd for timely and much needed end-of-session help.
The National Alliance extends a special thank you to the Nevada School Choice Coalition led by Valeria Gurr, whose talent, passion, and unwavering commitment to the future of Nevada is unmatched.