our history

onward and upward

In 1991, Amazon and Google didn’t exist. Neither did smartphones. But a small band of educators and leaders in Minnesota were about to change America’s public education landscape forever. The state passed the first charter school law in the country, creating a new type of public school independent of the school district, focused on the individual needs and interests of students and propelling them to academic success. Fast forward more than 30 years to today, and 46 states, D.C., Guam, and Puerto Rico have public charter school laws making it possible for more than 206,000 dedicated teachers to deliver education at more than 7,800 charter schools serving more than 3.7 million students. Now that’s something to celebrate.

"When confronted with a challenge, charter champions don’t shy away. We go where others have given up and achieve things no one ever thought possible. We rise to the occasion because we’re used to overcoming the odds.”

Nina Rees, President & CEO of the National Alliance


The National Alliance is founded; more than 1 million students attend a charter school

The National Alliance establishes its State Leaders Council to make a stronger connection to schools through ongoing partnership with the leaders of state-based charter support organizations


The National Alliance first hosts the National Charter Schools Conference in Albuquerque


Both presidential candidates in the general election support the growth of charter schools

The National Alliance launches the Alliance of Public Charter School Attorneys (APCSA) to serve as a research and networking hub for education attorneys on the legal issues affecting charter schools


The National Alliance creates a new model law to assess the strength of charter school laws in each state, emphasizing quality, growth, and accountability


The number of students attending charter schools surpasses 2 million

The National Alliance helps Maine become the 40th state to pass a charter school law


The National Alliance helps Washington become the 41st state to pass a charter school law


The National Alliance helps Mississippi become the 42nd state to pass a charter school law


The National Alliance releases the first edition of the Health of the Charter School Movement


The School Leaders of Color Program is created to help shine a light on the sector’s diverse leadership and ensure federal support for the growth of the Charter Schools Program

The National Alliance helps Alabama become the 43rd state to pass a charter school law

The National Alliance launches the Charter Schools Action Fund, a 501(c)4 partner organization committed to advancing charter school policy nationwide


The National Alliance launches its Charter School Legal Action Fund to strategically invest in nationally significant offensive and defensive litigation that have an impact on the existence or operation of charter schools

The National Alliance commissioned a national study of parents of school-age children that found that 30% of parents are interested in sending their child to a charter school and 78% support having a charter school open in their community


The National Alliance helps Kentucky become the 44th state to pass a charter school law


The Federal Charter Schools Program grows to $440 million in funding


The Charter School Facility Center is founded

The National Alliance helps West Virginia become the 45th state to pass a charter school law


The National Alliance celebrate its 15th anniversary, and more than 3.3 million students attend charter schools


Montana becomes the 46th state to enact a charter school law

The National Alliance is founded; more than 1 million students attend a charter school

The National Alliance establishes its State Leaders Council to make a stronger connection to schools through ongoing partnership with the leaders of state-based charter support organizations

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The National Alliance first hosts the National Charter Schools Conference in Albuquerque

Both presidential candidates in the general election support the growth of charter schools

The National Alliance launches the Alliance of Public Charter School Attorneys (APCSA) to serve as a research and networking hub for education attorneys on the legal issues affecting charter schools

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The National Alliance creates a new model law to assess the strength of charter school laws in each state, emphasizing quality, growth, and accountability

The number of students attending charter schools surpasses 2 million

The National Alliance helps Maine become the 40th state to pass a charter school law

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The National Alliance helps Washington become the 41st state to pass a charter school law

The National Alliance helps Mississippi become the 42nd state to pass a charter school law

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The National Alliance releases the first edition of the Health of the Charter School Movement

The School Leaders of Color Program is created to help shine a light on the sector’s diverse leadership and ensure federal support for the growth of the Charter Schools Program

The National Alliance helps Alabama become the 43rd state to pass a charter school law

The National Alliance launches the Charter Schools Action Fund, a 501(c)4 partner organization committed to advancing charter school policy nationwide

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The National Alliance launches its Charter School Legal Action Fund to strategically invest in nationally significant offensive and defensive litigation that have an impact on the existence or operation of charter schools

The National Alliance commissioned a national study of parents of school-age children that found that 30% of parents are interested in sending their child to a charter school and 78% support having a charter school open in their community

The National Alliance helps Kentucky become the 44th state to pass a charter school law

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The Federal Charter Schools Program grows to $440 million in funding

The Charter School Facility Center is founded

The National Alliance helps West Virginia become the 45th state to pass a charter school law

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The National Alliance celebrate its 15th anniversary, and more than 3.3 million students attend charter schools

Montana becomes the 46th state to enact a charter school law

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Join Our Mission

Help support the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools by making a financial donation and advocating for the millions of public school students attending or hoping to attend a charter school. 


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Memorial Gifts

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Commemorative Gifts

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.


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For questions regarding wire transfers, please email of call Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Gifts of Stock

For questions regarding stock, please email of call Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Matching Gifts

If you or your spouse work for a company that provides matching gifts, you can make an even bigger impact! To have your gift matched, you must submit your company’s completed matching gift form.

Please send all completed matching gift forms to:

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
800 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006.

If this donation will be potentially matched, please provide the company name.

Advocates Council

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994.

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Legacy Society

Contact Celia Hagerman at [email protected] or 202-600-8994 to learn more about the Legacy Society or for any other inquiries regarding planned giving.